Friday, February 25, 2011

Almost Lost

            I am currently reading the book Almost lost a true story about a teenager told through the real therapy sessions edited by Beatrice sparks. The book so far is about a troubled teenager named Sam who lives with his mother and sisters. His father left them when Sam was young. Sam has gone trough many issues like gangs, drugs and toughts of suicide. This happens until his mother decides to send him to a therapist. At first Sam doesnt want to talk to anyone abiut anything but he learns to open up and share what is wrong. He begins being happier and trusting his therapist more. Then his father begins trying to contgact him which send Sam to ruins, his therapist tells him that in order for him to feel better he has to choose wether to face him or foreget him. His therapist never tells him what to do he suggests idead and let's Sam decide what to do. That is what has happened in the story so far.   

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